The Balanced Shift - Embracing Change with Openness and Realistic Expectations


woman in the office being open to chance as an opportunity for growth

Dealing with change, whether it’s professional or personal circumstances, can be challenging. Change comes with a range of emotions and challenges. But change is inevitable and often the beginning of growth, development, and opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise be available. With realistic expectations of what change can bring, people can embrace shifts and make the most out of them.

Recognition of the Need for Change

Part of embracing change is recognising the need for change and that life doesn’t always pan out as expected. Often, change is well outside your control, and the first step in dealing with the situation is accepting other people’s decisions. For this, having an open mind and remembering change is an inevitable part of life is a good first step.

Willingness to Being Open & Transform

Change can become more difficult when people aren’t willing to listen to other people's ideas and opinions. Openness and willingness to transform require a few steps, including:

  • Accepting the need for change
  • Be willing to lend your support  
  • Thinking positively and looking for the good
  • Involving yourself wholeheartedly & wanting to make the most of it

Moderating Expectations

Sometimes, people are excited about change and new beginnings. They embrace the opportunity of a new start and can’t wait for it to happen. It’s easy to get caught up in planning the future and expecting everything to be fresh, new, and better. However, some people’s expectations are highly unrealistic, and when the time comes, they hit disappointment. Change paying off can take longer than expected, or it may bring other opportunities different to what was wanted. This is why getting too fixated on a specific outcome may not be the recommended approach. 

Change as an Opportunity for Growth

We see stories of employees devastated by redundancy to reinvent themselves and turn their misfortune into a massive success everywhere. In the early days, we all wonder if we will survive and pull through, but patience allows us to embrace the opportunity and make it a success story. 

Change plays a significant role in our personal and work lives; it can have a flow-on effect on all facets of our lives but is often the precursor for massive growth.

The Role of Support Systems

Accepting change can be easier when you don’t feel alone. Having a single person or a village of people cheering behind you can be all you need to get through difficult times. It can be from a family member or friend to a colleague, as long as you feel supported.

If you feel you don’t have the support you need from your network, seek out help from professional services to get through the transition. It can be life-changing! And remember that many people before you have sought help for the same struggles you’re experiencing, so you'll be in good hands.

If you’re employed, find out if your organisation has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Speaking to a trained counsellor or psychologist can give you the tools or boost you need to get through the difficult time.

Maintaining Balance Amidst Change

During times of change, aim to maintain personal wellbeing and a work-life balance. Look after your physical and mental health by doing activities you enjoy to take your mind off work for a while. Release stress and tension by working out and through meditation, yoga, and journaling practices.

Evaluating and Adjusting Along the Way

The people who have the most success dealing with change are those willing to be open to the direction needed to take. Change is never linear. It’s normal to experience ups and downs. And when something isn't working, be proactive and try something else. Being flexible and keeping a positive mindset will help you win. 

You may need to adjust the way you work. A new job or role might mean you can no longer do the same thing you’ve always done. New methods, technology, and ergonomic equipment can make change a little bit easier to navigate. 
If you’re looking for ergonomic equipment to help you through a time of change, visit our Perth showroom or browse our wide range online. Don’t hesitate to contact us with queries.